Corso Designing and Implementing Azure Networking Solutions AZ-700

Obiettivi | Certificazione | Contenuti | Tipologia | Prerequisiti | Durata e Frequenza | Docenti | Modalità di Iscrizione | Calendario

Certificazione Azure Network Engineer Associate

Il Corso AZ-700 Designing and Implementing Azure Networking Solutions fornisce una conoscenza approfondita delle tecnologie di rete di Azure e copre le competenze necessarie per progettare e implementare soluzioni di rete in Azure. Gli obiettivi del corso AZ-700 includono la comprensione delle diverse opzioni di connettività in Azure, come reti virtuali, VPN, ExpressRoute e peering di rete, la progettazione e l’implementazione di soluzioni di bilanciamento del carico per migliorare le prestazioni e l’affidabilità delle applicazioni, la configurazione e la gestione di servizi di rete come Azure DNS, Traffic Manager e Private Link, l’implementazione e la gestione della sicurezza della rete con Azure Firewall, gruppi di sicurezza di rete e Azure DDoS Protection, la progettazione e l’implementazione di soluzioni di rete ibride che integrano ambienti on-premise e Azure, la creazione e la gestione di reti virtuali e subnet per segmentare le risorse di Azure, l’ottimizzazione delle prestazioni e dei costi delle soluzioni di rete. Il corso contribuisce alla preparazione dell’esame di Certificazione Microsoft Certified: Azure Network Engineer Associate.

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Obiettivi del corso

Di seguito una sintesi degli obiettivi principali del Corso Designing and Implementing Azure Networking Solutions AZ-700:

  • Comprendere le opzioni di connettività in Azure, come reti virtuali, VPN e ExpressRoute.
  • Progettare e implementare soluzioni di bilanciamento del carico per ottimizzare prestazioni e affidabilità.
  • Configurare e gestire servizi di rete come Azure DNS e Traffic Manager.
  • Implementare e gestire la sicurezza della rete con strumenti come Azure Firewall.
  • Progettare e realizzare soluzioni di rete ibride che integrano ambienti on-premise e Azure.

Certificazione del corso

Esame AZ-700 Designing and Implementing Microsoft Azure Networking Solutions; Questo Esame valuta le competenze nella progettazione, implementazione e gestione di soluzioni di rete Azure. I contenuti includono l’infrastruttura di rete principale, la connettività ibrida, i servizi di consegna delle applicazioni, l’accesso privato ai servizi Azure e la sicurezza della rete. I candidati sono testati sulla loro abilità nel creare e gestire risorse di calcolo, archiviazione e rete in Azure, comprendendo i fondamenti della rete come la risoluzione dei nomi, i protocolli di rete e la gestione degli indirizzi di rete.

Contenuti del corso

Design and implement IP addressing for Azure resources

  • Plan and implement network segmentation and address spaces
  • Create a virtual network (VNet)
  • Plan and configure subnetting for services, including VNet gateways, private endpoints, firewalls, application gateways, VNet-integrated platform services, and Azure Bastion
  • Plan and configure subnet delegation
  • Create a prefix for public IP addresses
  • Choose when to use a public IP address prefix
  • Plan and implement a custom public IP address prefix (bring your own IP)
  • Create a new public IP address
  • Associate public IP addresses to resources

Design and implement name resolution

  • Design name resolution inside a VNet
  • Configure DNS settings for a VNet
  • Design public DNS zones
  • Design private DNS zones
  • Configure a public or private DNS zone
  • Link a private DNS zone to a VNet
  • Design and implement DNS private resolver

Design and implement VNet connectivity and routing

  • Design service chaining, including gateway transit
  • Design virtual private network (VPN) connectivity between VNets
  • Implement VNet peering
  • Design and implement user-defined routes (UDRs)
  • Associate a route table with a subnet
  • Configure forced tunneling
  • Diagnose and resolve routing issues
  • Design and implement Azure Route Server
  • Identify appropriate use cases for a network address translation (NAT) gateway in the virtual network
  • Implement a NAT gateway

Monitor networks

  • Configure monitoring, network diagnostics, and logs in Azure Network Watcher
  • Monitor and repair network health by using Azure Network Watcher
  • Activate and monitor distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) protection
  • Activate and monitor Microsoft Defender for DNS

Design, implement, and manage a site-to-site VPN connection

  • Design a site-to-site VPN connection, including for high availability
  • Select an appropriate VNet gateway stock-keeping unit (SKU) for site-to-site VPN requirements
  • Implement a site-to-site VPN connection
  • Identify when to use a policy-based VPN versus a route-based VPN connection
  • Create and configure an IPsec/Internet Key Exchange (IKE) policy
  • Diagnose and resolve virtual network gateway connectivity issues
  • Implement Azure Extended Network

Design, implement, and manage a point-to-site VPN connection

  • Select an appropriate virtual network gateway SKU for point-to-site VPN requirements
  • Select and configure a tunnel type
  • Select an appropriate authentication method
  • Configure RADIUS authentication
  • Configure certificate-based authentication
  • Configure authentication by using Microsoft Entra ID
  • Implement a VPN client configuration file
  • Diagnose and resolve client-side and authentication issues
  • Specify Azure requirements for Always On authentication
  • Specify Azure requirements for Azure Network Adapter

Design, implement, and manage Azure ExpressRoute

  • Select an ExpressRoute connectivity model
  • Select an appropriate ExpressRoute SKU and tier
  • Design and implement ExpressRoute to meet requirements, including cross-region connectivity, redundancy, and disaster recovery
  • Design and implement ExpressRoute options, including Global Reach, FastPath, and ExpressRoute Direct
  • Choose between private peering only, Microsoft peering only, or both
  • Configure private peering
  • Configure Microsoft peering
  • Create and configure an ExpressRoute gateway
  • Connect a virtual network to an ExpressRoute circuit
  • Recommend a route advertisement configuration
  • Configure encryption over ExpressRoute
  • Implement Bidirectional Forwarding Detection
  • Diagnose and resolve ExpressRoute connection issues

Design and implement an Azure Virtual WAN architecture

  • Select a Virtual WAN SKU
  • Design a Virtual WAN architecture, including selecting types and services
  • Create a hub in Virtual WAN
  • Choose an appropriate scale unit for each gateway type
  • Deploy a gateway into a Virtual WAN hub
  • Configure virtual hub routing
  • Create a network virtual appliance (NVA) in a virtual hub
  • Integrate a Virtual WAN hub with a third-party NVA

Design and implement an Azure Load Balancer

  • Map requirements to features and capabilities of Azure Load Balancer
  • Identify appropriate use cases for Azure Load Balancer
  • Choose an Azure Load Balancer SKU and tier
  • Choose between public and internal
  • Choose between regional and global
  • Create and configure an Azure Load Balancer
  • Implement a load balancing rule
  • Create and configure inbound NAT rules
  • Create and configure explicit outbound rules, including source network address translation (SNAT)

Design and implement Azure Application Gateway

  • Map requirements to features and capabilities of Azure Application Gateway
  • Identify appropriate use cases for Azure Application Gateway
  • Choose between manual and autoscale
  • Create a back-end pool
  • Configure health probes
  • Configure listeners
  • Configure routing rules
  • Configure HTTP settings
  • Configure Transport Layer Security (TLS)
  • Configure rewrite sets

Design and implement Azure Front Door

  • Map requirements to features and capabilities of Azure Front Door
  • Identify appropriate use cases for Azure Front Door
  • Choose an appropriate tier
  • Configure an Azure Front Door, including routing, origins, and endpoints
  • Configure SSL termination and end-to-end SSL encryption
  • Configure caching
  • Configure traffic acceleration
  • Implement rules, URL rewrite, and URL redirect
  • Secure an origin by using Azure Private Link in Azure Front Door

Design and implement Azure Traffic Manager

  • Identify appropriate use cases for Azure Traffic Manager
  • Configure a routing method
  • Configure endpoints
  • Plan private endpoints
  • Create private endpoints
  • Configure access to private endpoints
  • Create a Private Link service
  • Integrate Private Link and Private Endpoint with DNS
  • Integrate a Private Link service with on-premises clients

Design and implement service endpoints

  • Choose when to use a service endpoint
  • Create service endpoints
  • Configure service endpoint policies
  • Configure access to service endpoints

Implement and manage network security groups

  • Create a network security group (NSG)
  • Associate a NSG to a resource
  • Create an application security group (ASG)
  • Associate an ASG to a network interface card (NIC)
  • Create and configure NSG rules
  • Interpret NSG flow logs
  • Validate NSG flow rules
  • Verify IP flow
  • Configure an NSG for remote server administration, including Azure Bastion

Design and implement Azure Firewall and Azure Firewall Manager

  • Map requirements to features and capabilities of Azure Firewall
  • Select an appropriate Azure Firewall SKU
  • Design an Azure Firewall deployment
  • Create and implement an Azure Firewall deployment
  • Configure Azure Firewall rules
  • Create and implement Azure Firewall Manager policies
  • Create a secure hub by deploying Azure Firewall inside an Azure Virtual WAN hub

Design and implement a Web Application Firewall (WAF) deployment

  • Map requirements to features and capabilities of WAF
  • Design a WAF deployment
  • Configure detection or prevention mode
  • Configure rule sets for WAF on Azure Front Door
  • Configure rule sets for WAF on Application Gateway
  • Implement a WAF policy
  • Associate a WAF policy


Corso di Formazione con Docente


I docenti sono Istruttori Autorizzati Microsoft e in altre tecnologie IT, con anni di esperienza pratica nel settore e nella Formazione.

Infrastruttura laboratoriale

Per tutte le tipologie di erogazione, il Corsista può accedere alle attrezzature e ai sistemi presenti nei Nostri laboratori o direttamente presso i data center del Vendor o dei suoi provider autorizzati in modalità remota h24. Ogni partecipante dispone di un accesso per implementare le varie configurazioni avendo così un riscontro pratico e immediato della teoria affrontata. Ecco di seguito alcuni scenari tratti dalle attività laboratoriali:

Corso Designing and Implementing Azure Networking Solutions AZ-700

Dettagli del corso


Si consiglia la partecipazione al Corso Azure Administrator.

Durata del corso

  • Durata Intensiva 3gg;


Varie tipologie di Frequenza Estensiva ed Intensiva.

Date del corso

  • Corso Designing and Implementing Azure Networking Solutions (Formula Intensiva) – Su richiesta – 09:00/17:00

Modalità di iscrizione

Le iscrizioni sono a numero chiuso per garantire ai tutti i partecipanti un servizio eccellente.
L’iscrizione avviene richiedendo di essere contattati dal seguente Link, o contattando la sede al numero verde 800-177596 o inviando una richiesta all’email